In this website you can find and honor your loved ones resting at AMIA's cemeteries.
The data in our database may contain errors, especially for older burial records.
We suggest:
Filter only by the deceased's last name, especially if it's not a very common surname, and search manually within that selection. Do not filter by the "first name" field.
Remember that the more criteria you add, the more restricted the search becomes. Try criteria one at a time.
The system identifies phonetic similarities: if you didn't find what you were looking for, check the "Similar Results" list below. The virtual burial you're looking for might be there.
If it's a very common last name and the result returns many options, try filtering also by year of death (not the exact day, just the year). You can repeat this option multiple times if you don't know the exact year (for example, try with the surname and death year 1985, then 1986, then 1987, etc.).
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If you have already tried filtering by surname and year of death, we suggest new options:
Identify if there is any data that could make the virtual burial more identifiable (for example, exact death day, or month and year of death, or an unusual name).
Remember that the more criteria you add, the more restricted the search becomes. Try criteria one at a time.
We suggest not filtering by date of birth because many virtual burials do not have this data and because there are sometimes differences between the actual birth date and the one recorded in documents.
In the advanced filter, select the cemetery where you think the person should be listed.
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We suggest some final tests:
If you have information about the block where your loved one is buried, filter only by that criterion. You will access a list of all deceased in that block. Some listings may be extensive, but you will have chances to find them by location.
Remember that the more criteria you add, the more restricted the search becomes. Try criteria one at a time.
If you still haven't found the deceased person but have found someone buried in the same plot (meaning it's a joint burial, such as a spouse), filter only by the "Section - Row - Grave" criterion and only the people in that location should appear.
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